Persian Tomato Soup

Ingredients: 2 finely chopped medium onions 1 small onion, grated 1/2 ground beef 8 large tomatoes, grated 1/2 cup washed rice 4 cups beef stock 1 cup spinach 1/2 cup parsley 1/4 cup chives 1/4 cup cilantro 1/4 chopped bell or other type of pepper. 2 teaspoons of dry mint 2 tablespoons of sour grape juice or lemon juice 1/2 can cooked kidney beans Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Saute the chopped onions in oil or butter. Mix in the tomatoes, rice, stock, and cook for 30 minutes. Mix the grated onion, ground beef, 1 teaspoon of fry mint, salt, and pepper. Make small meat balls and drop in the soup. Add kidney beans, green peppers, grape juice, salt and pepper to taste and cook for 20 minutes. Add the green vegetables, dry mint and cook for 15 minutes. Adjust salt and pepper and serve.